*I realize that uploading my tiny moments with no explanation is the easy way out for me, but that it leaves my fellow readers to wonder what the heck some of my moments are all about. I know you are all losing sleep over it. :) While I like to leave you curious and drawing your own conclusions, at the end of the day you still don't have a clue why any particular moment is a tiny moment for me and how it fits in my little world. And to top it off. . .who knows if in ten years I will remember either. That mommy brain really gets to me sometimes. So I felt like maybe this calls for a small explanation (I know nothing is ever short when it comes to my long winded self) of my "Tiny Moments." I don't know how long it will take me to catch up, but I will start from here and try to add a little or a lot of something to help explain.
Oh to be four! Whenever my four year olds come up from the basement after dressing themselves I have this obsessive compulsive mommy side to me that instantly wants to re-dress them so that they semi match and look presentable. Not so much re-dress them so they have matching outfits, like for instances, "Cute . .Look they must be twins they are dressed the same." But match them like green pants don't usual go with a red shirt and an orange sweatshirt. Well, unless of course it's Christmas and they are trying extra hard to be festive or it is "dress like a clown" day at school. Let's be honest how often do they have "dress like a clown" day at school. And be festive. . I don't think so . . they are boys and they are anything but festive. Sometimes I have to bite my tongue because I want to tell them that we don't wear our PJ's under our clothes for the entire day. For some reason those two goons must think it will make their bedtime routine that much easier or maybe they need a little extra padding from little Sissy. Who knows? But I have myself a little chuckle when by lunchtime neither of my four year olds are wearing underwear. Where on earth did they go?? Heaven only knows. Because I for one have no clue. They start every day with underwear and through out the day some how, some where, they disappear. You'd think I bought them princess, Dora, or some other less tolerable 4 year old underpants. No, stuffed full in their top drawer is their very favorite, Buzzlight year and Diego, but every day they still end up missing. I find them tucked under the couch, hiding inthe bathroom, you know perfect 4 year old hiding spots. Lastly, the pants! They are backwards. They are always backwards. For most of their four year old life they wear their pants backwards. I half think they do it on purpose to bug me. Somehow even though I don't say a word about it, they know that it drives me up a wall. But we still wear them backwards. Backwards to Costco. Backwards to Grandmas. Backwards to Shopping. You name it we wear our pants Backwards. And you know it's OK! There are bigger battles to be had. So I let them wear green pants with red shirts and an annoying sweatshirt. I let them wear their Jammies under their clothes. I let them go without underwear when it happens. And you know I even let them wear their pants backwards. I get a lot of funny looks and plenty of giggles when we are out and about. But you know I feel really good about it and most days I join in on their giggles and stares. Pretty sure I should receive mom of the year award for putting my compulsiveness aside by letting them be them. I remind myself that I am choosing my battles and this one is just not my battle. Love them for them and love their funny little habits that drive me crazy.