Life is too short to be big and beautiful. To eat treats all day long. . .have no energy . . . and to be unhealthy. Recently I've developed an interest in pursuing a more healthy lifestyle. That doesn't mean cut calories, lose weight and look like a rack of bones. I have been interested in 'How can I maximize my workouts? What is a great balance between weight training and cardio? How do I combine a protein and a carb to create a great meal for my body? Heck forget about me . . . how do I get my kiddos off Sugar cereal and Mac and Cheese everyday?" This little journey has been incredibly educational and life changing. . .not only for me, but for my little family. Max and I went on a little grocery shopping 'date' the other night and Max insisted on playing the 'what is good for your body game.' It isn't about image for me. I felt fine about me. . .heck I was even down to my pre-baby weight and feeling great about that. All you moms out there know what a challenge that can be after four kids (after any kids). After I wrote my Treaty Treat post. . .reality really struck and it bothered me A LOT that I was a very unhealthy person. . .I was thin but I mean who eats 10 treats a day? :) Come on . . . I know there are some of you out there-It couldn't have been just me and my friend ballenda (see picture above). But let's be honest it's not good for your body. This '10 treats a day lifestyle' wasn't doing any favors for my energy levels not to mention the example I was setting for my husband and children. The kiddos ate junk cereal, pizza, nuggets, hot dogs, fast food, and treats all the time. So now I am on a quest to maintain a healthy lifestyle by combining a great diet (with lots of yummy food :)) and an intense exercise program (at least for me it's intense). Ah. . . that was a lot of information. WOW! I'm pretty sure there is a purpose to this post. Healthy lifestyle ~ that's right . . . Honestly it's hard to change overnight and you have to be ready not to mention be in the right mindset. Let's be honest you have to want it. It takes time and willpower. . . . A LOT of willpower-especially if you have a piggy pig husband who eats all kinds of treats! I guess I just want to encourage anyone who needs some encouragement to add something new to your lifestyle every week, every two weeks. . whatever works for you to create a lifestyle that will allow you to feel happy and healthy. Heck you can even go cold turkey. .. . It could be as easy as drinking 1 liter a day of water. . . than bump it up to 2 liters until you reach the recommended 4 liters of water a day. Or walk around the block. . .then two blocks. . then jog. :) If you decided to join the quest of being healthy and fit . . .Good luck to you and lets compare notes.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Trim and Fit
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That girl could not fit into those 7 jeans.
I want to join the Shauna Watson Boot camp/motivational seminar. Where can I sign up? Although I must say that girl looks pretty happy.
Is that a picture of Mariah Carey?
Let's exercise everyday on the cruise!
My cousin had some questions about what I feed my kiddos. You guessed it I wrote a book. If you want to share your ideas I would love them. We still kind of struggle with dinner. Below is my response to her.
You are so fun! For these most recent menu (this one) my eating times are as follows. . .5:45a (right before the gym), 830a, 1030a, 1230p, 3pm, 530pm. And if I get hungry in the evenings I usually eat a fat free Jell-O, fat free hot chocolate, or some low fat no sugar treat. The days that I go to the gym late I take out an am meal.
Good for you getting down to your pre baby weight ~ for me that is always such a challenge. You look great in your pictures. I understand the work on the body. I have actually started lifting weights. There are a lot of weight lifting exercises you can do at home. ~OR~ Jessika and Court started this new Power 90 video series that I guess is AMAZING and is just great news if you want to be toning!
Snacks for kids. . .it's amazing how fast the kiddos have switch . . .They don't really ask for junk anymore. I think if I waved it in front of their face they would for sure take it. . but. .they don't really ask. Great Snacks; Dannon yogurt (Super good for you), string cheese, fruit leathers, dried fruits (Mango, raisins, craisins, etc), fresh fruit, rice cakes (Honestly . . rice cakes are a favorite~they have all sorts of fun flavors. :)), Kashi granola bars, Jell-O, apple sauce. Any one else have any ideas? These are some Watson favorites.
Meals; I don't know about your kids, but my kids are extremely picky eaters.
Breakfast ~ I stopped buying sugar cereals. I now purchase things like Kashi, Special K, Fiber 1, Cheerios, and All bran. They actually eat it and love it. Breakfast is an easy one at our house because the kids love all breakfast food..We also do whole wheat pancakes, the apple waffles they LOVE. I found this great whole grain blueberry oatmeal that the kids can't get enough of at Wal-Mart. Alexander even had plain oatmeal with splenda, cinnamon, and some sugar free apples cider and loved it late last week. He ate it all and he is my pickiest eater. SO CUTE!
Lunch; We usually have a PBJ sandwich on whole wheat bread with a healthy snack. I am thinking about switching them to turkey and cheese on whole wheat bread (I think they will eat that). Sometimes we do low fat tortilla with a little cheese and chicken. And sometimes just simple plain chicken with a snack . . .usually a fruit. We are slowly converting the kiddos over to eating healthy. I just started this lifestyle switch like 5 weeks ago. :) I went cold turkey. . it was a little harder to get the rest of the family on board that fast. They are slowly coming around. Anyone have any ideas?? I could use them!
Dinner ~ I struggle big time with dinner for them. Usually once a week they have whatever it is that I eat. . .if they don't eat they go to bed hungry. That is really hard for me, but I would make a nice dinner and then they would want hot dogs or something crazy. They eat some fish, chicken, spaghetti (you can find whole wheat noddles). They have actually started eating more than just corn as a veggie. So we usually have a green veggie (broccoli is my favorite ~ put them in a plastic baggie in the microwave for 2 minutes and they are done). I don't have any set dinners that work for them. I need to find some healthy dinners that they like. My friend has a great whole wheat pizza. . . . I’ll ask her about it. Honestly, I'm just grateful I'm not feeding them junk pizza and mac and cheese. It was totally my choice, but it was all they wanted to eat. My little ones are skinny and I just didn’t want them to go hungry. Bad calories are better than no calories. . . not any more. You eat healthy or don’t eat. :)
Good luck to you! If you have any more questions. Let me know. Sorry I totally just wrote a book! Do you think I’m just a little bit excited??
Good for you Shauna. Reaching for a healthier life style is always commendable. I always get jealous because Kai eats tons of junk food and is skinny as a rail. Me, I eat hardly any junk food ever (except chocolate milk) and I am not skinny as a rail. Its all about exercise for me. So good for you. Keep up the good work!
You rock Shauna!!!
Okay Miss Shauna, We The whole Rob Barrett family think you are absolutely the craziest woman in the world and we really have no idea why you would put that entirely hugh fatso on your blog!!! You are a crazy girly. I am trying to eat more myself, although I find it really hard to eat all the time. I just don't enjoy to eat unless I am eatting with people. I have decided I am a social eater. So I am going to go buy a nutrition book and learn how to eat better for my workouts. I just have a hard time because of my glutten stuff you know. Love you Jessica
LOL! You are one crazy lady. . .and I'm still laughing about your comment. Good for you and your nutrition book. Tell me all about what you learn. . . I could use it. I'm ready for another visit to WA! Are you busy in Sept?
So I am still searching for that book but I did order the Power 90X which I am really excited about. It actually comes with an eating program too so maybe that will be all I need. I am still working on actually eating enough during the day I know I should be better to me body. Did you get our message about our nilla wafers. We love our treats!!!! Jess
I am glad things fell back into place after banks with your lifestyle change! Its great to see how far you have come after just 5weeks, way to go!!! Keep it up and love the picture makes me feel very goo dabout myself!
I think you need to come back now!!!!!!
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