The Watson 1st annual Halloween Party was a huge success. . .I am sure you are asking yourself, *Now how does Shauna measure the success of her party?*. . .let's not mess around with all the nitty gritty details. . .time to skip right to the skinny. . . Alexander came in after going through our small hometown haunted house all puckered up with his eyes brimming with tears. Yes!. .. .he was scared. . . every bone in the poor kids body was scared. :) SUCCESS! That sent Barrett running for a safe hiding spot which didn't work. . . . SUCCESS! This morning we are still talking about the, 'Scary walking clown." SUCCESS! Oh. .it makes my whole body smile. I love Halloween! Aunt Jen and I are already planning for next year. . . SUCCESS! SUCCESS! SUCCESS!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Traditional Halloween!
I suppose for most people Halloween isn't about scaring the BOO out of their children. . . . it's about trick or treating, dressing up, candy, and more candy, fangs, and having a good old time. . . like a party! Fortunately, we were able to fit all that in and more. Our party was tons of fun. . .lots of yummy food. . .great company. . and just good old fashion fun fun fun. . .Thanks to our photographer Aunt Lyss we have some photos to document the event.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
BOO! What a fright!
I just can't get enough of this video of my little skeleton. Max has been Bee~BOOpin' around the house all week singing Halloween song for his school program. 'BOO! What a Fright' is definitely one of his favorites. Love him and his little song. Enjoy! :)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
POST 100!
Gratitude! Gratitude! I am grateful for you, for me.. . for life and living. I compiled a list of 100 gratefuls. There is no particular order. . .just silly things that make my life a little easier and put a smile on my face. What can I say I'm grateful. I am grateful for. . .. .
. .blogs. .I get to know what is happening in all my "closest persons" lives in the matter of a click.
. . .a dang good cry. Sometimes I just want to cry ~ there is nothing you can say or do that will make me feel better . . . sometimes a good cry just does the trick.
. . . Nursery. . .I think it is the sole purpose I go to church. . .it's a nice break.
. . . great workout days. The power, energy and strength is gives my body is unbelievable.
. . .a small chorus of boys that bring big smiles when they sing 'pretty mom!' I love that.
.. .car heaters. . on freezing cold days I love to turn the heat on high and the air on max.
.. . to know that the Savior is there for me . . . just me and will pick me up when I fall short and carry me home. I know this and am so grateful.
. . . the excitement of planning a trip, going on a trip. . a trip with kids. . a trip without kids. . a trip ~ a trip ~ a trip. . .I'm grateful for them all especially if there is a refrigerator in my room.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
All about Sissy!
My oh my how time flies. . . yes it's true my baby turned two! We celebrated the little Dora obsessed Lady's Birthday with a *Jacqualynn's Birthday Adventure Party*. Jacqualynn's special day was certainly an adventure and in some strange way she knew that it was all about her. Sound familiar?? I guess it starts this early. :) Jacq was running around the house like a crazy lady with a huge grin on her face. . . . decided she was too old to take a nap. . . .and demanded everyones attention. It was her party and it was all about her. Happy Birthday Jacqualynn Grace!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I love it when my little ones are in school. . .Oh do I love it! Let's be honest it's a great break for me and they can't get enough of school ~ so it really is the perfect combination. As odd as it sounds, I love it even more when they are on school break. :) We headed up to a little fundraiser Scarecrow festival and the kids played their little hearts out. Even though we were a little under the weather it didn't stop them from loving all the animals. . .cock-a-doddle-do . . .I think I heard Jacqualynn Grace say that half a dozen times. . .going on a family hay ride. . . jumping jumping and jumping some more. All four of them even braved the haunted house . . not just once but twice. Little do they know they haven't seen a real haunted house yet!!? AHHH BOO! There were lots of throw the bean bag in the hole games and even a little train to ride. Sister was pretty bent when she realized that she couldn't climb to the top of the big blow up slide. . .but all in all it was a huge success. Everyone went home tired and grateful for nap time. . .especially mom.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Captain Halloween!
I won't divulge identities or anything *AUNT LYSS* but thanks to some Incredibly FUN Auntie the kids have decided that every visitor that breaks in the house and leaves a treasures is some kind of *Captain.* We had a visitor from *Captain Halloween* the other night. It was rather simple. . . a mysterious friend broke into our house and left spooky monsters, cobwebs and a couple of Halloween treasures. I think this Christmas instead of Santa Claus the Watsons will be seeing *Captain Claus* this year.
Kick off!
There is no other way to kick off Halloween than pumpkin carving and a yummy tasty treaty treat. We
thought we were going up to Park City to spread some Halloween BOO, but once we got up there the kids could not get enough of those two Johnson Halloween Party Animals. Carving pumpkins was a kick. . .it was quite funny to watch the boys whine and whimper about pumpkin guts. . .it didn't take long for
sister to push her
sissy friends aside and dig right in (literally). The girl takes after my own heart. After the guts were out of site and the tormenting was over. . .(YES! There was much tormenting) everyone put back on their happy Halloween faces and were ready to dive into *Jennifer Ray's* better than Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Carmel apples. (Jen we really need to come up with a fun nickname for you :)) Jen had toppings of all kinds and the kid
s thought they were in heaven.
Max was partial to the nerds. . .Xander . . .to the M&M's. . . Good old Barrett had a little bit (or a lot) of everything all while little lady slept. Always a good time when we visit the Park City Johnson's.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Let the Games Begin!
I so enjoy Halloween. . . .actually I pretty much love every and any excuse to celebrate. . . .Celebrate what? Like I said pretty much anything and everything. . . .a party is a party and I love it! :) This month ~Halloween~ and it hits the top of my list. I was trying to put a finger on the reasons why I love Halloween so much. . .it really isn't the costumes . . .believe me it's not the costumes (the kids are killing me with their costume selections this year) and it's definitely not the candy. The only thing I can come up with is Grandma Barrett's BIG Halloween Bash. It was amazing ~ I am excited just thinking about it. . . tons of family. . . good food. . .lots of laughter. . . and a kick a** Haunted House. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it is better than any formal Haunted House I've ever been to. I love the nervous feeling I would feel every single year without fail. . . .I mean come on . . . .I knew my dad. . . uncles. . aunts . . who ever . . .were the monsters, but they were so real and it was so scary. I love the constant and I mean constant screech of a scream from every young girl (I think a few of the boys as well). . . I am just loving writing about this. I really can not do these parties justice. One year Tim scared the neighbor lady so bad she actually died! We had to hide the body for weeks... ok, maybe not but I'm getting in the booo zone! I am being totally honest when I say that I want to be able to throw parties like Grandma Barrett and create amazing memories for my babies like my Grandma Barrett did with Halloween for me. Grandma and Grandpa if you ever read this . . . we love you and you are in our thoughts regularly. We don't have an unforgettable Haunted House yet. . but we have some fun things in store for the Watson Kiddos this month. Stay tuned. ..
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Grounded from Target!
If I ever step foot in another Target. . .Walmart. . . Albertsons. . .OK . . any place that carries a line with Dora in it with Sister it's too soon. She developed this odd obsession with Dora the Explorer. I know ~ I know it's not odd. . .kids get into finicky little things and it makes their world go round. The odd part is how she even knows who this Dora character is. I know this might sound odd to many of you, but we don't have cable/satellite so she hasn't ever seen Dora on TV and the boys dominate the movie selection with videos like CARS, Backyardigains, and Home on the Range. Jacqualynn Grace only has one Dora phone, which is not even a month old, believe me when I say we take the silly phone EVERYWHERE. The part that kills me the most is she can't even say Dora's name, but what she says is simply Whiskey Tango. . . .
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
2.25 seconds
Just in case you haven't seen it. . . .it's too good to misss. . .
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Watson's of OZ
Monday, October 1, 2007
Never a Dull Moment!
WOW! I sure love these crazy monkeys or should I call them my cute cute babies. TODAY I find the most love in the fact that they are all snug as a bug in their beds ;) While these cute kiddos are one of my biggest sources of joy ~ I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say that some times they are my biggest frustration . . . . today was one of 'those' days. I'll spare you of all the boring details, but you mom's out there can relate to 'those' dreaded days . . . I delight in the fact that I can wake up tomorrow to a brand new day. I'm going to sleep well tonight. Goodnight. :)