Christmas day at our house is a lounging day. . . ALL day long. We just eat and eat and eat . . ALL day long. Hang out in out PJ's . . .ALL day long. Open presents. . ALL day long. Enjoy our family . . . ALL day long. I am sure you get the picture. . . a whole lot of nothing takes place . . .ALL day long. And we LOVE it . . .ALL day long.
Jacq. This girl was loving every minute of Christmas. She took her time opening her gifts and managed to play for a minute or two before brothers were stacking her gifts pushing her to open more. This lady would have been happy with a couple of bracelets and chap stick. She got a whole bundle of chap stick and sleeps evey one of them every night. Barrett Boy. Love this boy. He is all smiles until something seems unfair. Barrett had a couple mom/dad moments loving moments. During one point in the day I saw him all by himself in the corner silently pouting. He was just sure that he didn't get as many gifts as everyone else. Really he just needed some extra mommy love and he was all smiles.
Alexander. He is all smiles and doesn't hesitate to cheese it up for my camera. Don't you just love that nose crinkle? I think this kid has mini star wars figures running around in his head working overtime. Not only did he get plenty of those, which were way cool, but he got these fun Mag forms that have kept him and his siblings busy for hours. These Mag form things play star wars, castle, lego, play dough. Really the Mag forms play with everything. Sometimes Santa has to stretch his brain to find a winner. WINNER!
Max just knew Santa was real when he woke up and Santa brought our family a wii with a few of his favorite games. He has been asking for a wii for over a year. This mom has been fighting it off and finally caved and let Santa drop one off. Merry Merry Christmas Christmas for Max!
This cute couple was so fun to have around. It was fun watching them open their gifts to each other. They set a ten dollar limit and stuck to it. Their creativity really had to set in and it was sure fun to watch.
Auntie Nana, Grandma and Grandpa Watson made a quick stop in the morning, bringing Merry Christmas Greetings and too many presents. Thanks for everything. Sorry I missed a pic of Grandma and Grandpa Watson. I am so fired!!