Saturday, June 23, 2007

All In A Days Work.

Max is clearly almost one of the 'big kids,' at least he thinks he is. . . after all almost 5 is a pretty big number. To tell you the truth for the longest time, meaning until today, I have been considering him one of my babies. . . after all. . .all my babies are babies. I know pathetic. Today it just felt as though he was really growing up . . . and growing up way too fast. . . He decided that he wants to be just like his Dad when he grows up. . . Swim ~ Bike ~ Run! It makes me chuckle to think that Max really believes that participating in triathlons is what his dad does. There was a children's 1/2 mile run in our town so we signed the little aspiring runner up. Once we were at the starting line Alexander and Barrett couldn't resist the excitement and at the last minute they decided to jump in the race. Despite a couple of 'I tired's' everyone finished with big high fives and raced really well. As I tucked Max in bed tonight he was trying to squeeze a few extra minutes by telling me his leg hurt and he needed to ice it. LOL. . . Like mother like son. I distinctly remember icing my shins last weekend after a ten miler. :) Mom (that's me :)) fit in a little 5K this a.m. for kicks. . . I am pretty happy with the 30 second per mile improvement. Pretty mom can still run. Dad and Jacq were great sports cheering from the side lines. ;) Fun time for the whole family.


Anonymous said...

No wonder I haven't heard from you!! You guys have had a busy busy weekend! A family of runners....what more would one expect from the two of you?!

Dana and ohana said...

Good job everyone! What a busy weekend.

Becca said...

Wow-- quite the athletic little family! Starting them early...that's great! No fat potential in that house! :) HA!

Anonymous said...

Way to go BOYS!!!! That is so awesome! I'm sorry I missed it.