Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Crazy Auntie Nana
Saturday, June 23, 2007
All In A Days Work.
Everyone loves a Parade. . .especially my little ones. . . My favorite part of the parade was watching the children and their reponses. They eagerly stood for every American Flag, waved their little hearts out, and believe it or not stopped eating candy after I told them I thought their teeth were going to fall out. Not to my surprise, but everyone did have their 'favorite' part of the parade and it seemed so fitting. . .Max. . . the drums in the marching band. . .Alexander. . .all the RED cars. . .Barrett. . .anything animal, but he especially favorited the kissing Maggie Moo Cow.. . .Jacqualynn Grace enjoyed chilling in her personal soccer mom chair getting tons of attention from all the friends that passed by. Three cheers for the Parade. . . YEAH!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
It takes a village. . .
When the Watty Watsons first moved to Utah I really thought that it was going to be the end of ME! I just wasn't sure that I would survive the "Utah culture," because. . .you know there is a secret sub culture in Utah they call those "Utah Mormons". . . sounds scarey huh? :) I was just sure that Utah was going to kill me. We moved in the middle of winter, no friends, a little family, lots of little children that had lots of little needs.. .There where a couple friendly neighbors that stopped by with goodies(ONCE), a fun Grandma Watson that volunteered to babysit fairly regularly, and a couple unexpected stop in's from Aunties (which we loved). . . .but for the most part I felt alone and on my own. After settling down a bit, I'd have to say that my perspective has changed and I'm excited about all the opportunities/friendships we have discovered here in Utah. . .it really has become a great place to raise our little ones (Sorry Brooke ~ I know you really don't want to hear that). While we miss our family and friends ~ we have managed to create an evironment that we can call HOME. I'm a big believer in the phrase, 'It takes a village to raise a child'. . . wether you are near or far. . I am grateful for the influence you are in my children's life and the fact that you are part of our 'village'. Thank you! And should you get the itch to move down to UT let me know- we will help find you a house!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
A Fish's Playground
The Watson's can not seem to get enough of the water. Whether the water is in our very own backyard, sneaking into Aunt Lyss's Swimming pool, or going to the local water park. . . it never seems to be enough. I'm pretty sure that the little ones should have been born with fins instead of feet. While these sinking fish are trying to figure out how to coordinate their little bodies underwater I have discovered that we (we as me and any one who dares to go to the park with me) have to keep an extra close eye on these fish. We don't want to be dragging any one of them up from the bottom of the pool. . . at least not today. :) Thank goodness we had four extra Auntie hands to help us at the park. The kids enjoyed the extra one on one attention and I can't tell you how much I appreciated their help and company. After Max slipped on a wet step and split open his chin, him and Dad decided to take a little visit to the Emergency Room. It was an unfortunate event, but when it was all over I think Max survived his visit. . . pretty sure that this was the first of many trips to the ER. Sounds as if Max might have even enjoyed his trip to the ER just a little bit and the secret treat he was rewarded for allowing four Nurses/Doctors to look at and work on his chin. Once a little fatty tissue was cut out and his chin was glued together he was good to go. Alexander and Barrett were pretty much unstoppable. They really believed that if they weren't bobbing in and out of the water that their world was going to stop spinning. They could not get enough of the bottom of the swimming pool. They were only saved a handful of times by helpful strangers that didn't realize that they were really 'just swimming' and not drowning. Jacqualynn Grace was quite unbelievable. As she eagerly approached the water slide the lifeguard noted her age and kindly indicated that mom could go down with her. I've been on those rough bumpy children slides a time or two and reassured him that she would be just fine and probably tickled pink to go down by herself. After one of her Aunts pulled her out of the water at the bottom she was grinning from ear to ear and immediately pointed back at the slide as to indicate she was ready to go again and again and again. . . . I haven't figured out what made my heart stop faster the tadpole pond (water slide) or the wave pool were sis would walk around and suddenly just bloop her little self at the bottom of the pool. She~just like her brothers~was sure she was swimming. . . it looked an awful lot like drowning to me. When I or one of her Aunties would go to her aid, she was just beside herself. She didn't understand why were pulling her out of the water. . .after all she was 'just swimming.' It's really hard for me to explain all the fun events of the day. . . . good thing we tried out all the new features of Aunt Jen's cool Camera. I posted some fun pictures, underwater pictures and I'll be sure to post some fun videos. :) The challenge for the upcoming week is trying to find a fun filled week that has nothing to do with the water. Max is officially on Water Restriction for the next 7 days. Pretty sure these sinking fish are going to go through water withdrawals. . . What on earth will they ever do?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
A Treaty Treat!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007
TRI Something New
Tim raced and placed first in
Tim likes to say, "Tri Harder" I think I prefer the terminology, "Tri Something New." Heck. . .Tri something fun. . .spice up your life. . . live a little. . . . .put a smile on your face. . .add a little bounce back in your step. . . accomplish. . .LIVE! I know if your mind can conceive it ~ you can achieve it! What to do now? Start small. . . set a goal. Heck we can even set a goal together? I like the sound of that. What will I do next? What will you do? Want to do something together?