I love it when I find a mommy treasure like this one. I think this is my mommy way of getting back at the little devil for all the stunts him and his brother pull.

I love it when I find a mommy treasure like this one. I think this is my mommy way of getting back at the little devil for all the stunts him and his brother pull.
the girls will PLAY! And worked it! Worked it!
And work it GOOD!
This is why we're HOT. . . .
Check out the sweat on her brow. That's a girl that works it works it!
"What about me? I work it ~ work it! I'll even pose it pose it!"
"Bring it!" Yes we bring it! Bring it!
This one is for you babe! I flex it flex it! Do you love it love it!?!?
Made me smile finding her snuggled up in her special chair in the doorway of her room at 10pm. I guess as long as she has her luv, book and blankie the kid can sleep anywhere. Sweet Dreams!
I could tell the second I saw this face that someone was up to something. . . "Hey Barrett Boy. . .what's going on?"
Silence. . .
"Where's your brother?" "Oh. . . him thirsty"
"Is he thirsty or is he bringing more water out for mud pie?"
"Oh him thirsty." Notice the hand up to his mouth acting like a cup. Does this kid think he is good or what? "Barrett boy would tell your mommy a story?"
Silence. . . "Barrett Boy?" In my very best mommy voice.
Still quiet. . .this kid is tough. . .he just won't give an inch. "Barrett?"
I know what this little twerp is thinking, "I know something you don't know," in his best na na na voice.
Yep that has got to be it! "Na na na na na!"
"I know you said no more mud pie. . . mud pie need it! It need it mom!"
"Na na na na na na!"
"We totally got you mom!" "Na na na na na!"
"That's what you think. . . .MOM ALWAYS WINS!"
You may have a cute little grin and skinny little legs. . ."you corner too!" I know those two twerps are secretly laughing with their noses in the corner. . .What's a mom to do?
I thought about being a fun spring break mom, but than the sun came out. Who needs organized activities when you have the warm weather? So outside we went. . . .Tulips in the garden. . . .two lips in the park. . . Tulips? Tulips? . . .tulips in my front yard and blooming??
And just when you thought an exercise ball was just for exercise...
Our little gang did a bit of research discoverd that a Buso ball is a lot like a trampoline. So what did we as good parents do with our four children (who should know better) and our newest exercise toy? We ran and got the camera and told them to show us there coolest moves!
The boys went out for a "boys whatever." Actually I sent them to the grocery store with a list, but they decided to make it all fun and call it a boys night or whatever. :) Lucky me. . .I got stuck with crazy lady. Someone can't decide whether to play soccer or go swimming. Too bad it feels like winter so veto to both. She took a nighty night bath time and colored with mom. She maybe be a crazy lady but she's a keeper.
Can some one please please save Sissy from the car wash. The boys cheer and shout and she just dreads it. . . .
Have I ever told you that my kids do not DO NOT like to cooperate with the camera? As I walked into this cute trampoline place I envisioned all the kids on the same trampoline. . . Max jumping high, Brothers a little lower, and Jacqualynn smiling with her legs crossed bouncing. Cute huh? Yeah right! I thought to myself, well I suppose I'll settle with them remotely looking towards the camera. Well this is what I got. . .