Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Merry ~ Merry ~ Merry
The Letters to Santa have been written and hand delivered to the big man in red at the mall. The kids were pretty excited to sit on his lap and talk about Christmas. Max said he has been good this year and I have to give the kid credit he really has. He said, "I eat all that healthy food, always take my rests, I help people, and do my jobs." Alexander actually admitted that he has been a bad boy. His exact words, "I been bad boy!" He promises to be better the next couple of weeks and next year especially in exchange for a Bumble Bee. Barrett is way in denial. He is just sure he has been a perfect angel. I think he has short term memory lost. Just today he took his seat belt off every single time we were in the car and had a real hard time staying in bed for his nap. Jacq is the devil and there is no nice way to write it. She is the baby and adorable so she thinks she can get away with anything. Got to love them and their cute letters to Santa. Max asked, "Does Santa write back?" I don't know. . . does he?
Monday, November 26, 2007
What the HECK!
Where does he get this stuff?? Whenever Alexander is caught off guard, or there is a dinner he is unsure about, maybe someone has his favorite toy, he is caught running around the house saying. . ."What the Heck!" The first time he said it I didn't have a clue what the kid was saying. I thought it was 'twin speak,' maybe German, or something. Little did I know it was just, "What the HECK!" Love him to pieces, but I don't know were he gets this stuff.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
"Old Fart"
Friday, November 23, 2007
Little Things

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving Feast
My daddy would be so proud . . .Waffles on paper plates. It doesn't get much better than that. No fighting the kids to choke down their sweet potatoes. . . one more bite of turkey. . . .just good old fashion breakfast for dinner. And no Tim there are no refunds or exchanges. You are stuck with me for a good long time. I love you!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving Highlights
Wed night was one of our two Thanksgiving dinners. We celebrated with the Johnson's in Park City. :) It was a typical Thanksgiving dinner with lot and lot of yummy food, the most amazing turkey, but most importantly family and friends gathered together to be grateful. Some highlights for me. . .Definitely the turkey. I still can't get over how yummy it was. Jen is an amazing cook and she found a yummy recipe for turkey turkey. I stuffed myself until I was sick. And then stuffed myself again with homemade pie. YUM! (Can you believe I don't have a picture of the turkey. I guess a picture of Uncle Ross will have to do! Gobble Gobble! :))
*Every time I turned around the kids had there hands in the bowel of strawberries. I think I caught Barrett double hand~ing it a couple times and stuffing his pockets full for later. I feed them ~Promise. Pretty sure they went though 4 lbs of Strawberries before dinner even started.
Even though I chastised Jacqualynn a couple times I loved watching her stretch up on her tip toes and reach her chubby little fingers into the sinful bowl loaded with unhealthy carbs ~ cube Hawaiian bread. YUM! Heck it was Thanksgiving.. .anything goes.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Gobble Gobble
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I would not consider myself an expert in environmental issues or even a tree hugger, but I do what I can ~ when I can do it! I just love love love these earth friendly bags from Costco. I purchased three for just over $1 each. The deal was even more sweetened when I realized I won't have to make many little trips back and forth from my car when carrying in my goods. If you happen to run into me at Target, Albertsons, anywhere shopping . . .look for my green. GO GREEN!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Can't get enough
Tim and I spent a surprise night of fun out of town. LOL. . .when I type "out of town" I make it sound all dramatic like we did something spectacular. In reality we did the Watson standard. . shopped, ate, and relaxed. :) It was great to get away. . .I love those little ones of mine, but a nice break with my Tim is always welcomed. I know Tim likes to spend time with me and honestly I am pretty sure he can not get enough of me. By the time Saturday early afternoon rolled around he could not get home fast enough. He was missing his boys like no other. I know ~ I know not fair. . what about Jacq??!? Anyway, he just wanted to take his boys bowling.. . *random*. . . so he did. Jacq and I were lucky enough to intrude and tag along for boys bowling and donuts.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Favorite Taylor!
Talk about lots of fun and BIG personality. Love this little girl and all her unlimited amounts of energy. She had Aunt Jen and I ping ponging off the wall. 'Can I chase you?' 'Do you want to hold me?' 'Let's play lion'. Yes. . .I was crawling around on the floor, roaring. We exercised. . until the camera came out . . then everything had to come to a complete halt. We sang songs. . . laughed all day long . . . gave rocks. . . it has been way too much fun. Some of the things Taylor says are well worth writing down. . . . they make me chuckle. I thought you might get a good laugh as well.
*Taylor ran in on Aunt Jen in her underwear, *Oh those make me so HAPPY!* You can't even imagine the drama that goes into every syllable. You haven't seen drama until you've seen Taylor.
*Everything in Tay's world is sooooooooo BEAUTIFUL! Full of overflowing excitement she says, "OH, That is soooooooo beautiful." Whether it is a goodie bag, my sweatshirt, or a present for her sister everything and I mean everything is sooooo Beautiful.
*This rambunctious 2 year old not only never stops, but she also has OCD about washing her hands. . .before we do anything together I hear, "Wait Auntie, I have to wash my hands. . ." I am pretty sure 20 times a day we are washing hands.
*We were talking all about Taylor's world and her many friends when she said. . . "Grandma Disneyland is one of my best friends." I guess I need to take notes from Grandma Disneyland to make the best friend list.
I wish I could claim taking and dolling up this incredible bubble picture, but that is all Jen. She is the genius in the family. So grateful I could spend time with the Goodwins. I will miss them so much, but am starting to get anxious to get back to my little wild monkeys.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Merry Merry. . .
Christmas is coming. . . I know it is still months away. . .and we haven't even celebrated Thanksgiving and the fact that I am even talking about Christmas before Thanksgiving kills my husband. It is off limits at my house. Luckily I am at sister's house. YIPEEE! So we can talk memories, traditions, and lots and lots of Christmas. Since 3 out of the 5 kids are together we drew family names (I hope that is OK Kiss and JAM). Here it goes. Three cheers for the holidays!
JAM ~ Goodwins
Watsons ~ JAM
Johnsons ~ Watsons
Goodwins ~ Kiss
Kisser ~ Johnsons