The kids have a new favorite place to hang out. We went to Trafalga the other day and spent hours and still managed NOT to do everything. This mom was exhausted and ended the party earlier.. BOO!! If it wasn't for *Baby want some gum?* I may have just lasted longer. I am sure trafalga has not seen the last of the Watsons.
There were bumper boats.Airplane rides.
A roller coaster.
Rock climbing.
And a super cute Lola loving her big girl world!
There were race cars (Jacq is a wild women behind the wheel).. miniature golf.. other little carnival rides. So much fun. My kids give trafalga two thumbs up.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Camping.. .
I am NOT much of a camper. I don't like sleeping on the ground. I never get a good nights sleep.. . NEVER EVER EVER.. nope.. no matter what. I am not a big fan of squatting behind a bush. And I most definitely do NOT like neighbors that talk too loud in the wee hours of the morning. *Baby.. you want some GUM??* Having said that, I love camping with my little friends (big friends too).
I*Love*dirty feet!and dirty faces.
*Love* Playing in the fire!
*Love* me a tin foil dinner!
*Love the river*
*and a happy baby*
*Love* me a fire at night.
And waking up to one in the morning.
As much as I don't like camping.... I just don't think I'll ever be able to say no to these faces. I think there is going to be a lot of dirty.. loud.. crazy camping in our future.. .
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Lola Girl *10 months
Where has the time gone? I swear this little girl is growing up way too fast. Anyone have a shoot? Every time we get her pictures taken I just love every single one of them. This girl is just so good natured!I tried so hard doing the every month updating thing with Lola, but it is so hard to keep on top of that. So it looks like it has gone to every two months.. so here is Lola at 6 months. What can I say about our sweet Lola at ten months. There is definitely a lot of reasons that she is our perfect baby #5! She is so good at just going with the flow. We do all kinds of adventures and Lola just tags along. Whether she is on her schedule or not, she is just happy as can be. She loves having 4 little built in buddies. Our Lola girl is very curious, but extremely cautious. She is all over the house, but we have managed to keep her from falling down the stairs. Lola is cruising along furniture, but is quick to drop to her knees in a full out sprint*Crawl. Look at me go.. I just love this girl.. 2 more things.. PROMISE!! She adores her dad. I know I wrote this before, but as soon as he walks in the door I might as well be dead. :) Not really she loves me too, but she prefers him 9 times out of 10. Lastly.. the girl loves music.. she can be in an all out scream.. but if I turn her on some classical music.. some dancing music.. some any thing music... the girl lights up and starts doing her Lola body boogie shake. I guess after all that we'll keep her for another month or two. Love you Lola girl!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I have been trying to get Lola on the swings all summer. She is one cautious little lady.. and finally.. she was loving her swinging world. I'm talking the Lola body booty shake with giggles galore. Love love love little girl giggles.
All my kids love the swings.. every single one of them..
They love swinging.
They love underdogs..
But most of all.. they love helping.. .
Love them*Love Summer*Love swings
We are living up the last few days before school starts. I asked the kids what they wanted to do before school started and they named all the same things we've been doing all summer long.. so I guess they have been having a pretty dang good summer. To mix things up a bit we decided to try out the old classic skating. Two words.. *So much fun!* OK three words..
Everyone had a turn or two on the real skates.. .
but for the most part everyone was pretty happy on their scooters.. .
I was crackin' up when the kids started rockin' out to, Spice girls "Wannabe." Too funny.. apparently it was in the movie "Chicken Little." I was crackin' up as my kiddos would pass me singing, "If you want to be my lover.. you gotta get with my friends.."
Lola and I even got in on the fun.. Yep.. I'm a pretty fun mom! :)
Lola did her dancing gig for the full two hours or whatever it was that we were there. Where there is music.. there is the Lola booty shake.
Good times for sure.
*Bike crash*
I know.. I know.. I'm so pretty! Pretty freakin' dirty.. pretty freakin' scary.. pretty freakin' tired!Look I am going to make it even bigger just so you can get a good look at all my prettiness.. Is prettiness a word? Today it is..
This is what I looked like after the fight I had with a bear. Are you facebook friends with my Timmers? He is a funny one .. .with sometimes very funny humor that no one understands but him (and me). Anyway.... the real story is I crashed my mountain bike but good up at Sundance. I love that place. My heart belongs in the mountains.. . throwing rocks in the river.. yelling *it's not my mom's birthday* to all the animals.. hiking with my whinny kiddos (it's too hot.. are we there yet) ..riding down the single track on a real mountain bike.. skiing down the mountain. .. warming up by the fire.. makes my heart happy just thinking about it.. Any way.. back to my bike crash.. it was totally not my fault. I was going down the fire road and my brakes totally went out on me.. I had no brakes. I kept pumping and I had nothing. So I thought to myself.. *SELF* crash on the rocky fire road or go into the soft cushy meadow.. well that meadow wasn't very soft or cushy.. After two transfers.. (urgent care.. to Timp hospital.. to Utah valley..) I ended up in the hospital over night with two fractures .. nasty road rash (ouch) and stitches in my side.
Tim says, I ought to stick to safer sports.. but a girls got to live and love her life. So last week we went back up to Sundance and we had a blast together.
That's my story. And for the record.. I have a pretty amazing life. *Love my life* Thanks to all our friends and family that stopped by with well wishes.. that help care for our children.. that brought dinner and treats. We are surrounded by such amazing people. XO
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I love me a UTAH*Stay*cation. I really so so so love where I live. There is so much to do in such a small radius. When our out of state family showed up we played hard! I think I have over 500 pictures.. Seriously! What I didn't capture behind the lens.. sister did.. so we have it all.. I will highlight the big stuff. ..
Day 1 * We hit Alyssa's pool for hours. When I write hours... I mean hours... the fun lasts for hours on end.Day 2 * Sundance. I love this place. Again what could have been an hour adventure turned into an all day event. I just love watching everyone enjoy the outdoors.
Day 3 * Wood park. This is my kiddos absolute favorite Utah park. We maybe go a couple times a year and this time it was twice as much fun with Auntie on the tire swing.
Day 4 and 5 * YUBA Lake. While most people would call wild winds.. thunder.. lightening and RAIN a bust.. we had a blast. The kids played and played and played non stop for 24 hours. I was a happy mom for sure. I was still recovering from my bike accident so I watched most of the chaos from my lawn chair.
Day 6 * Grandparent visit with picnic. Look at me.. I totally look like security. I'm all dressed in black and I so look in charge with those.. *I'm the boss sunglasses.* Yeah I'm the boss.. ha ha. :)
Pool Party/BBQ. Oh how I wish I had a picture of all the yummy yum food. It was delicious. I do have a picture of how our group took over the kiddy pool. Fun times for sure.
Day 7 * Battle Creek Falls. L*O*V*E this hike. L*O*V*E this group!
Seven peaks. Seven water babies.
Until next time... xo