Love this little girl more every day. She is a kick in the pants and we really can't get enough of her. She is crawling.. not just crawling, but crawling everywhere. Lo is officially a daddy's girl. She is mellow.. Lo is so sweet. I love it when she is so excited that she kicks.. actually her entire body kicks. Or if she wants another bite of food.. she kicks.. remember.. her whole body kicks. It is the cutest thing. At eight months she is trying to keep up with the big kids. Love her. Lola at 6 months.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
*8 months*
Bike Rider!
YAY For Jacq! We have yet another speed racer on our hands. This girl learned to ride her bike in no time at all. She loves loves to ride. If we are home.. she insists on taking a ride around the block.. or two trips.. or three.. Those brothers better watch out.. jacqs on the road! GO JACQ GO!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Good times
We had so much fun with Ma Deb in town.. GNO.. 7*peaks... icees.. Bike rides.. Library.. visits with Grandma and Grandpa.. but I would have to say that crusin' around Sundance was by far my favorite thing this trip. Just love how cool it feels and how gorgeous it is. I guess once a country girl always a country girl.
The other chair.. Our awesome chair.
Our favorite Ma Deb..
Maxie boy.
Crazy Barrett Boy.
Baby Lo!
Love spending time with these 7 people.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Prettiest little girl
When preparing for the end of the semester piano recital Ms. Yvonne asked who wanted to be *Silly Sally*.. sure enough my Prettiest little girl had to stake claim to the part... Oh dear.. His dad just may have been a little bit mortified. You don't know this kid.. unless you know.. when he has his mind made up it is pretty dang difficult to change it. Love him.Ms. Yvonne was such a good sport to let *Silly Sally* go up on stage and do her thing. We just love her and the piano academy.
I honestly think I was more nervous about Max's performance than he was. This kid has no fear. If he thinks it will get a laugh.. . he has all the confidence in the world. He just danced his little heart out to the end with his girly.. silly moves.. . Way to go *Silly Sally*
Now on to his solo pieces. I think he was still getting over the excitement of being Sally. He did well.. but he was flawless the couple weeks before recital.
He had an awesome support group this time around.. Ma deb, Aunt Jen, Aunt Lyss and Uncle Jon and some neighborhood besties. Thanks everyone for coming out!
Way to go Max on another awesome recital..
My mom totally rocks! Her birthday was the day right after mine.. and just so happened to be the day of Max's piano recital. She waited through three stand by flights and flew out a touch early just to be there to support our Maxer. Love you mom! Thanks for being an awesome Ma Deb! After the recital we decided to go to Cold Stone. After all ice cream is one our Ma Debs favorites.
The Birthday Girl..Best shot of the night..
Or maybe it was this one..
We had some good ones that night..
Happy B*day mom!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
It's my birthday!!
Or at least it was.. I wrote my story that day and it was a good one. This was probably the first year my kiddos really took an interest in someone other than themselves. They kept asking me what I wanted for my birthday and I kept saying.. ".. just good kids. .. Be the best kids you can be that day." They tried so hard and I have to admit that they were pretty darn good. I so love to be their mom!
Anyway.. back to my rockin'.. *it's my birthday day.* It started out with a visit and a little cake from Grandma and Grandpa Watson. Plus big smiles (or whatever you want to call them) from my favorite people!Then we headed out on our first family of 7 bike ride. Since it was my birthday .. I .. the coolest mom .. got to treat everyone to slurpees!! Yay for bike rides.. YAY for slurpees!! I rock! I love my birthday!
Lastly.. Tim and I ditch our typical birthday dinner/shopping and headed up the mountain for our first adventure on mountain bikes.. I'm addicted. Loved every minute of riding. It was gorgeous up there and so so much fun.
I was double 3's this year.. Proud to say that I turned 33!!
Speed racer.. Can't wait for more biking adventures.
With my best friend!
Love him.
Love us!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Crafty Lady!!
Yep.. I am a starter.. I am a starter like you wouldn't believe. And .. this time a finisher.. I pretty much rocked this Quaker oats container! Ha ha.. be sure to tell my Timmers that I am a finisher. :) Thought I would share my latest project.. easy peasy.. My favorite kind...