I have a story to share with you. . . . maybe more appropriately a secret from deep down in my very closed closet. Anyway, I claimed this year to be the year to *do hard things* And So far. . . the only things I have been doing are dishes. .(and my husband might contest this one) laundry. . (and this one too) wiping bums. . .cleaning buggies . . piano lessons. . and LOTS of homework!! The last *HARD THINGS* adventure was spurred on by this moment or more appropriately moments (ephasis on plural) of constantly stuffing my face. And let me tell you. . that was a *Hard things adventure* for sure. Rewarding ~ but hard! Enough rambling from me. . .
Back to my closet. It's all about eggs. Did you know that I am allergic to eggs? At least that is what I tell everyone. . . and I mean everyone. . my kiddies. . the waitress at a restaurant. . . even my grandma. Pretty much anyone that will listen to me. Hey. . Did I tell you I am allergic to eggs? YEAH!! The truth is. . .I'm not. . And that my friends is my deep dark secret.
There was a time when I did consume eggs and probably really liked them. Probably liked them a lot. Then. . . My parents moved me to a pseudo farm. It wasn't really a farm, but we liked to think it was a farm and we called it *the farm*. The same year we moved to *the farm* my parents bought chickens. What were they thinking? Chickens that laid eggs that we were suppose to eat. I had my turn collecting eggs from the chicken coup on *the farm*. And since that day almost 30 years ago I have not . . NOPE. . NOT EVER . . NOT EVEN thought about it . . . would sit at the kitchen table for hours every easter . . NOT eat an egg.
I'm allergic remember? Yeah! So now for my *egg*cellent adventure. I am going to try an egg type dish every Sunday for. . . a lot of weeks. . My sister started a list. That list is way too long. Kind of an overwhelming egg~y list really. Pretty sure we are up to at least 12 weeks of eggs.
The challenge is on. I can do hard things... I can do hard things. . .I really can. I know it seems like NOT such a *hard thing* or a challenge but for me this is BIG! I am having just a touch of anxiety just. . just. .thinking about it. I can do hard things. Do you want to play? Leave me your favorite yummy yum egg~y recipe and we will let the challenge begin. Wish me luck! I'm going to need it.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
The *Egg*cellent adventure
Pretty sure my boys have had a never ending birthday this year. It's been more like a birthday Month than a birthday~day. Ma deb came to town and took them to Love~e central and they could not have been happier. . .I do believe they are at the perfect age. *heaven for them* Here are some of my favorite pictures.Thanks Ma Deb!
Monday, February 22, 2010
*4 months*
We just love our Lola girl more every day. She is one happy little lady. She always has a smile to share and her sweet soft voice will capture my attention for hours. I have burned many of hours just chatting jiberish with my little friend. Thought I would share some new pictures.My curious little Lola will follow our daily chaos all over the room.
I wish I could say that I am an adamant enforcer of the dreaded tummy time. . But she doesn't like it. . . .so I do what I can. . .
12lbs 4 ounces (20th %) * 25.5 Inches (87th %)
This girl is a *dream*
See Lola at three months.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Good Intentions.
Thank goodness for more Valentines days! I really blew it this year. I had a great idea because you know I'm so clever. Or just maybe I saw a really clever idea somewhere. . . Ha!
*We make quite a pair* How cute is that with a pair of ski socks?I had 5 really good reasons why I did NOT get myself out of the house by myself the week of Valentines day! *Max*Alexander*Barrett*Jacq*Lola*
Love them! So I asked Tim to pick up his own pair of socks. Ha ha. . . the awww moment was going to be in the presentation.
Well. . .(Stutter)... well. .that presentation that never happened. Cute idea/good intentions gone bad.
Oh well. . . I totally scored with my little friends.
Don't worry.
I made it tricky.
My little friends went on a search.
We played a little *HOT*
And I totally scored! Little friends loved their face mask and loved them even more when they weren't freezing on the mountain.
There is always St. Patrick's Day, right? I better start planning now. :)
*For my birthday*
These boys have been talking about turning *6* since the day they turned 5!They love a party. Especially when it is all about them. First things first.
With some of their favorite people. Grandma and Grandpa Watson.
Aunt Lyss.
You know who this crazy guy is.
Birthday boy #1.
Birthday boy #2.
Crazy Sissy.
This Sissy. . well. . she doesn't love the camera so much. I know what she is thinking, "I'd rather be sleeping!"
*Second* Pirate Island . . .ARRRR. . .
Maxie ARRRR. . .
Lots of games . . .
Lots of tickets . . .
Lots of prizes. . .
Even party hats. . .
= awesome birthday party.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
*colOr cRayOn HeaRts*
The kids really wanted to make their very own valentines this year. . . You know what that means . . . extra work for this mom. Awww. . You know I love it! We decided on *color crayon hearts*
The girls hard at work.Plenty of work for the boys too.
All done. So excited.
Oh so cute over 100 hearts later!