My boys were so ready and so excited to start school . . I got to hear all about it from my bed! As much as I dread the end of summer, this year the start of school was a huge relief. Someone (mom and Tim) got some great pics for me to live my little life from my little bed. Oh. . the joys of bedrest. I don't think I need to say more.
Maxie boy 2009 ~ Our big 2nd grader!Alexander and Barrett . . . can you guess which is which? That is their favorite thing to do these days. Alexander will say, "I'm Barrett!" Whatever! We know who you are and we love you both!
In both pictures Barrett is on the Left ~ Alexander on the Right!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
*First day of school*
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The rumors are true. Strict bed rest for this lady. . . and only 89 days to go. Hopefully I will not be on bed rest for the remaining 89 days, but for now we are taking everything one day and one doctors appointment at a time. One week down and so far so good. Thanks to the help of family and friends. The kids have still been having fun summer adventures with Dad, Grandma, Auntie and playing with their neighborhood friends. . . .but today the view from my thrown included LEGOS!!! The kids set up their working stations around 8:30am and played until 1ish. They were so proud of their little lego accomplishments. They asked me to take pictures and post them for their FAR AWAY friends. So this is for you FA friends. . ..When they were finished they organized little piles in my room so they can pick up tomorrow where they left off. Not one of them took a shower or brushed their hair, but they were happy happy kids hanging out with their mom and. . . . I love that.
Here are my cute racers. Timmy Tim Tim took these crazy kids to a little race in Lindon. . .I think this one preferred the park. . .
Here is my racer. He has one competitive spirit. . . He may not have crossed the finish line first but he beat big brother Max and that was victory in and of itself.
Poor him. . .Barrett was in flip flops. . . He was still a good sport and ran. . .but flip flops are tricky.
This Missy was a little gun shy. The race gun went off and everyone ran. . .and she cried!!! Her like the park. Maybe next year.
YAY for Races, parks and parades all in one day!!
Piano Recital #2
I was not able to make it to Max's piano recital but. . I got a full report. . .I thought I would share. . .
MOM * "Hey bud, I heard you did really good on your recital"
MAX a little hesitant. * "Well mom, I wouldn't say I did really good, maybe just kind of good."
MOM with a chuckle.. . * "OH yeah. . .why is that?"
MAX * "I got a little messed up . . . but don't worry I figured it out."
Don't you worry. . .his dad caught it all on video to share. I still think he did really good. Little friend put himself back together and started over. Piano has been so good for him. Even after all the tears, the "I don't want to practice's," the "Piano is so boring," it's been worth it. And secretly he loves it.
7 peaks
7 peaks has become one of our favorite summer hang outs. My kids love this place. After 2-3 hours of swim*swim*swimming they are wiped out and so am I!
My crew.Just the kids.
My biggest fish. He is growing up way too fast.
Max decided that he wanted to go off the yellow slide. . . I decided I could handle that. A mom's got to let her little fish grow right?? Then. . .he decided he wanted to do the blue slide. WOW. I told myself. . . he can't be my baby forever. . . I thought I could handle that. . . .
This is the picture of the blue slide experience. . .
and this. . .
I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest. I tried to take a picture, but. . but. . but. . I was too busy gasping for air as he was catching air of his own. He's only 6!! OK. . .almost 7 and growing up way too fast.
Max rather proud of himself.Alexander. This kid loves the camera.
Barrett. Taking a break.
These two have so much fun with each other. I don't know what they would ever do without one another.
Crazy Jacq. She's posing underwater.
Jacq loving life with her dad.
Well. . those are my babies. . .all four of them. . .and I decided no matter how old they are or how daring they become they will always be my babies. :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Stewart Falls
And the hiking continues. . . .Water Break with Papa Rick.
Happy Kids.
At the Top.
Tired Kids ~ Heading Home.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Lazy days of summer
I seriously just love it that summer just happens for a kid. There is no work or preparation it just sunshine and swimsuits.
My pyro children can not get enough of fireworks. All 5 of them. Not the one in my tummy. The big one I call hubby. :)YEP. I love these days. And. . sun burnt faces. Cheesy grins. Little lady's big belly. Nothing to do but let the hose run . . . no where to go but the swimming pool. I heart summer.