I can't believe my baby turned three today. Pretty sure I will feel this way with each and every one of her birthdays. I was thinking back. . .when Max turned 3 I was trying to figure out a survival guide for 4 kids 3 years old and under. When the twins turned three I was wondering why the heck they were still in diapers. . . and . . now . .little lady. . .I can hardly believe it. . . where does the time go? Yes that is what I am thinking. . .where does the time go? Here are some pictures of our little Missy and her fun Birthday Day!
*First thing in the morning she opened up a Dora Bike and a Dora Helmet. Heaven for this little Lady! Oh my . . .that bike was rode in the house all day . . . Not by the just the birthday girl. It was fun for the whole family.

*We decided to have a family lunch outing. Jacq loves loves Pizza! Oh does she love Pizza! So Pizza it was.

*Jacq was well aware that it was her special day. She was/is loving being three!

*After all the excitement from the day, Jacq fell asleep after swim lessons. Poor girl! Cake was still to come. . . I almost let her sleep, but I just couldn't let her celebrate the rest of her birthday through pictures. . .

*Lastly. . .the mommy cake! If the kids remember nothing else growing up they will remember their mommy birthday cakes. They love them. This one is for you mom. (It took Jacq a little time to warm up once we woke her. . . so just a picture of the cake.)

Thanks to everyone who spent the day with us, sent a text, called, or gave a happy birthday present. We love you all so much! Happy Birthday little Miss!