I know. . .I know. . .you haven't seen enough of my fun, "best day ever" vacation, but I had to do one last picture overload. PROMISE . . . I'll start to live my real life again soon.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Who would have guessed that character sightings would be so dang popular with the Watson Crew. They were begging for me to take pictures of them with these guys. . . Well. . . kind of. . . they were just a little selective. Everyone snubbed Woody but you better believe we waited 2 plus hours to hang out with Captain Jack Sparrow! The last day we learned of the breakfast/lunch/dinners with characters and I was "wishing" (the kids latest and greatest line) we did that for Jacq. Girlfriend wanted to dance with the princess's like you would believe. Luckily in her world the parade worked just fine. And . . YES. . . we had to do the "wear your princess dress in 80+ degree weather." Got to love this little lady and her determined little personality!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
We couldn't go to Southern California and NOT go to Legoland with 3 boys that have little lego men running around in their heads! Pretty sure it was Max's best day EVER and it was pretty dang good if I do say so myself!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sea World
I think I am going to write. . . "I loved this day". . . Every day! Our Sea World highlights. . .

Monday, September 22, 2008
Day 2
The Zoo. I loved loved loved this day! I seriously felt like we had the zoo to ourselves for at least the first 2 hours. It was GREAT! This place had it all. . .active animals. . . a double decker tour bus. . .sky cap. . . and happy kids! My little ones are such animal lovers for sure. . .I heard just about all day, "AH. . that's so cute!" Hearing it in my head still makes me smile! We took plenty of pictures of animals. . ."AH. . .take a picture of that one mom!" But I am pretty sure I just overloaded you with pics, so if you really want to see the funky little Meerkats or the "oh so cute" Koalas let me know.
Day 1
We're on vacation and we are loving it! Thought we would start-a-sharing! (Did I make your good list yet sissy? :))During our 11 hour drive we took our regular road trip pit stop . . .McDonald's! Seriously the only time we ever eat at McDonald's is on a road trip and the kids think that it is a real treaty treat! With little Madame Alexander dolls and Lego Batman's I figured we could turn around and head home. The kids thought our McDonald's stop was the BEST thing ever. Vacation for sure!
What's the first thing every good parent does on vacation? Unload the luggage and stick the kids in front of the toons. YES! Vacation for sure!
Last but not least. . . Swimming . . .swimming every day! Jacqualynn Grace made sure of that. I found an abnormal amount of swim suits in our bags. Thanks Little Missy . . . a swim suit for every day! Nothing says vacation like swimming every day! YEAH!