It's official. . .we're starting a fund. . .a "we're buying a boat" fund! Either that or trading our dog and timeshare for a truck and boat. . . Sound like a fair trade?. . . Dad? . . . Dad . . .you in? Dad . . . You out there? Until then we'll just crash the Johnson party. We had a blast with the Johnson's at Yuba lake! Thanks guys!
Max was not so sure about kneeboarding at first, but once his two younger brothers went he had to show them up. He got right up and had a little sass about him on the board. Watch out. . .next year we're pulling out the skis!

Here is our little dare devil, Alexander. Off without a hitch. . . and feeling pretty dang brave!

Maybe just a little too brave. . . yes . . lightweight is doing the one-handed thing. For Heaven sakes hold on to that rope. . . you're going to give your mommy a heart attack!

Poor kid's so light he had a hard time keeping his board straight. I felt even worse for Aunt Lyss . . she got a major workout trying to keep lightweight from crashing.

There may be a tear or two in the beginning, but in the end everyone is all smiles!

Barrett looks like he isn't so sure about this knee board thing, but once he was done he wanted to go again and again. BOAT HOG! He said, "Mom can we do this every day?" "I want to do this every day!"

This is how we train the little devils to love it. We take them on our laps every year from the time they can sit up until they can hold the rope by themselves. We show them pictures and talk about how brave they are all winter. Some may call this brainwashing, but for the love of water I say it is in their blood.

Look here's my dog! I almost took Wall-E dog on the kneeboard. Dang dog loves the water. .. . what do ya say dad . . my dog your boat. . . you in?