Too much fun that the last day of Preschool is a big circus with real life Teacher circus clowns. I am so grateful the boys learned their 123's and ABC's and even more grateful that I do not have to sit through a graduation to be a supportive mom! I'm not so sure Alexander feels the same way. This kid sure loves his teacher, but not so much his teacher circus clown.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Circus Circus!
Monday, May 19, 2008
If there is one thing that my kids love it is a good project. For me it most certainly involves a lot of work. Most of the time even more than work. . .patience. This castle building project was no exception.

She has the grin to prove it. . .We haven't seen much of this little devil. That is because he was "paintin' pictures on the floor ~ and the ceiling ~ and the walls ~ and the curtins ~ and the door."
One thing is for sure, "We ain't going to paint no more!" On a totally different note. . . Check out this cute book here. I love reading it and the kids love hearing it. It is a daily favorite around our house.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Come Back!
"Take us to Oregon!" "Take us to Oregon!" These krazy kids are pleading for Ma Deb to take them home with her. What can I say they love their Ma Deb. It was a fun filled extended weekend and we are sad that she is gone. To check out all the fun times you'll have to go to her blog. Fun huh? My mom has a blog. BTW They are still chanting, "Take us to Oregon!"
Friday, May 9, 2008
They do look so so innocent. And. . adorable. Almost like. . . like boys that go to bed on time. Pick up their clothes. Treasure their mom. Boys that are calm and maybe even a touched relaxed. . yeah . . .I'm done! Cause these pictures have got the story all wrong. I'll give one thing to them. . they are pretty dang cute, but pretty big trouble. Thought I would post their little program from school. The words were a little tricky for them (maybe not, maybe they just don't care), but it was good enough to make any momma smile. Love them and their trouble too. Keeps life exciting.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Pirate Power
I can't believe I almost let a season go by without documenting our little soccer player. Hello ME! Most of the time our little pirate could careless about where the ball is and who is kicking it. Heck half the time I don't know if he knows which goal is his. He is just real good at doing his own thing.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
New Treasure
Found this little treasure.Pretty sure that the kids think that they can not eat, sleep, or breathe without playing it.

Monday, May 5, 2008
Someone has been watching a little too much of the Chipmunks. . .Alvin. . Simon. . Jacqualynn!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Did you know. . . .
that the latest and greatest at our house is Cowboy boats! YEE HAW!
Cowboy boats on a double scooter. . .
Cowboy boats in PJ's . . . .whoot whoot! I'm hanging up my city shoes and moving to the country! (Dare to Dream!)