Five days of potty training with 3 perfect days. WHAAHOOO! I love my life. Jacqualynn Grace was ready for big girl underwear and trips to the potty back in June. Let's be honest her lazy momma was not. I never knew potty training could be so fun. So easy. It is a dream come true. Too bad she is smarter than the other short people at this house. The little stinker discovered she can use the potty to her advantage. For example she managed to push her bedtime by at least an hour. Little Miss has to go "potty" every 10 minutes. Unfortunately for me she squeezes a little something out every time. I guess I will take it. Heck YES I will take it! I will take it every time over dirty diaper after dirty diaper. Girls Rule!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Perfect days
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
SNOW FUN! We woke up this morning and the snow was coming down like a sheet. My first thought was will this snow ever go away?? Probably NOT! At least not any time soon. The kids on the other hand can not get enough of the snow. They played their little hearts out and were begging for more.
Max was a little mischievous today. The king of the shovel. The crazy behind the wheel. The wheel? Yes the wheel. Captain of the sled. He built a little hill of his own. You name it ~ He thought it up. That is what he does, "I think about it!"

Where A Kid Can Be A Kid!
I am not personally the biggest fan of Chuck E. Cheese, but the kids love it, love it, love it. Tim and I caved, set a token limit, and headed out to play where "the kids could be kids." Max and Tim played what felt like 20 rounds of air hockey. Max became a competitive, smack talking, crazy air hockey fool. Alexander was seriously obsessed with "have your picture taken with Chuck E. ride." No tickets for him, just a nice collage of pictures of him with him, him, and Chuck E. Pretty sure the kid used every last token on pictures with him and Chuck! I think I only saw Barrett long enough to take one picture and give the kid a cup full of tokens. He was out of here. Who knows what he did, but when I finally found him he had an empty cup with a big smile on his face. That picture of Jacq's backside is all you get to see of Jacqualynn Grace. Who is her mother? The poor kid has been seriously neglected lately. She could use a face wash once in a while and maybe a bow in her hair. I can't believe we went out in public like that. She could honestly care less. She just wants to be a kid ~ playing where a kid can be a kid. LOL .. . . Good Times!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Plan
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Ready, Set, GO!
Monday, January 7, 2008
What's in your Cupboard?
I feel like when I write a healthy blog entry, people must think I am this super Health Freak that restricts my children from all food fun. Well it is not true. We do our fair share of splurging on sugar and junk. We purchase the occasional Happy Meal. Have Sunday popcorn/movie night. Bake and decorate sugar cookies for each and every holiday. OK. That was my little "We are normal" (whatever normal is) disclaimer. On to the good stuff. There are so many exciting products that can be easily added in our diets. They are simple and helpful to our health. Wheat Germ. Flax Seed. Vegenaise. Vitamins. Cod Fish Liver Oil. Apple Cider Vinegar. Green drinks. Coconut oil. Xylotol. The list is endless. I am still learning all sorts of new yummy ideas. Knowledge is power. I thought I would write a little something about a few of my favorite products.
Vegenaise. Love using this product on my tuna sandwiches. This is straight from the bottle. "Vegenaise is a premium quality dressing and sandwich spread which delivers all the taste of real mayonnaise, but without the usually eggs, dairy products, and refined sugars, fillers, or preservatives. Our unique process controls the quality and refrigeration maintains the fresh flavor. Veganaise is low in sodium and contains no gluten, hydrogenated oil, trans-fatty acids, animal-derived or genetically engineered ingredients." Yes, there is fat, but not all fats are a like. I love healthy fats.
Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar has been highly regarded throughout history. In 400 B.C. the great Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, used it for its amazing health qualities. Some of the amazing benefits of this product are. . rich in enzymes and potassium. . .supports a healthy immune system. . helps control weight . . promotes digestion and ph Balance. . .helps soothe dry throats. . . . helps remove body sledge toxins. . . helps maintain healthy skin. . helps promotes youthful healthy bodies . . . soothes irritated skin. . .and. . . relieves muscle pain from exercise. I love this gift from nature. If you don't use it ~ you got to give it a go.
Coconut Oil. Not only is coconut oil one of the best oil options to cook with it offers benefits for oral use as well. Have a rash? Use coconut oil. What about a pimple that you can't get rid of? Use coconut oil. I can not tell you all the amazing benefits of coconut oil they are endless. I use it for everything. I butter the children’s toast, pancakes, and waffles with it. I put it in warm milk. I substitute coconut oil for butter whenever I can. I love cooking with it. There is just something about knowing that I am not damaging a product or the healthy fats because of high heats.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Do you think if I keep telling myself to take the time to really enjoy these giggly little boys with cheesy grins and really do it, they will stop growing up so dang fast? If it were only that easy. For some reason these long winter months and current challenges in life have really caused me to slow down and really enjoy every last minute of these goofy kids that I can. Sure do love them and their zest for life ~ for love ~ for living.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
My name is Shauna and I am a pictureholic. I think my kids dream the word "Cheese" or "Smile." To make matters worse Max has started to run from the camera these days. Poor him. Poor them. I just love pictures. More pictures. And even more pictures. I love pictures at every stage. I love pictures that capture moments. So I thought I would do a post on more pictures. We took a Field trip to a little aquarium. I didn't even know that an aquarium existed here in Utah let alone one just up the street. The kids had a blast. I am pretty sure that we saw the place at least three times. "I show you frogs!" "Where are the sharks!" "I touch sting rays!" "Can we see the octopus again?" There was so much excitement and running through out the aquarium. This is one of my favorite pictures. It makes my heart smile seeing all four of my little ones lined up loving nature. The little ones dominated the touch pond and the kids were there forever learning all about starfish, sea cucumbers, and crabs.

Doing everything Jacqualynn Grace s