Thursday, March 29, 2007
5 More Minutes
There are two things in motherhood that make my skin crawl and my head ache. . . . . whinning/crying children and the constant battle over sleep. I wish for my children to get the appropriate amount of sleep so they will be happy and enjoyable children. They insist that they require the bare mininum and therefore there is a constant battle over sleep at the Watson house. I think there is a strong correlation between the two. . . . . Lack of sleep = fussy whinny children. These pictures make me laugh. "The battle" was less than usual, Alexander and Barrett actually took a nap. :) I usually wake them up by 4pm so that they will be tired and ready for their 8pm bedtime. . . 4p.m. rolled around and they were still sleeping. . . . 5pm . . still sleeping. . . 5:30pm. . . still sleeping. . .finally I knew they would never sleep at night if they didn't get up ASAP. Instead of waking up with smiley little faces they both insisted in hiding their heads and begging for more sleep. More sleep? Where were the twins? I thought aliens stole them and put new children in their beds. It was so cute to watch them for 30 minutes beg to sleep and try to hide their eyes. I wonder if it will be as cute when they are 14 years old and then asking to stay in bed for '5 more minutes'. I'll tell you when it happens.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Last Minute Get-A-Way!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Picture Perfect

Thursday, March 22, 2007
One Last Hug :)
Today I dropped Max off at Preschool. He is always so excited to go to his school. Sometimes he doesn't even want me to walk him in to his class. As I pulled the door to leave my little boy (okay, he's not so little, but he is still little to me :))I noticed a little tug on my shirt. I thought to myself I really don't have time for this today. I was sure he was having one of those "I don't want anything or anybody but my mommy moments. " To my surprise my tough superhero just needed one last hug. I felt the warmest feeling of love. Hugs work! His teacher followed him out as he turned to go back to his class she said, "You just needed one last hug?" I'm sure I needed that one last hug even more than Max did today.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Grandpa Watson Turns 434!
In Dog Years that is. :) It is a common belief that 1 human year is equal to 7 dog years. Bet you never knew you never knew that. Before the BBQ, Max was playing at his friends house. When it was time to go home Max said, "Are all my people there?" What a Watson Bash! It was so great to have the entire family together. I honestly can not remember the last time everyone was in the same place at the same time. Seems like someone is always missing, either on the road, working, or just plain too tired to do the drive. I'm guilty . . . . that last one is me. Tim managed to drag Darren down to the basement (yet again) to work on the bathroom trim. Can't ever come to the Tim Watson house without doing some work. Thanks Darren! Grandpa Watson snuck off to show the family his new house - which by the way Tim did an excellent job of financing. Yes my retired husband does managed to find time to squeeze in some work. Deanna took at least 5 pictures of everyone. Love it that she is documenting the family party. Jeff managed to tease everyone of my children at least once. I think they secretly like it. . . I'm pretty sure Jeff did. Alexander successfully ate his body weight in cream cheese strawberry dip. And everyone was home and in bed by 10pm. Max woke up this morning, "I Love that Party!" GOOD FUN*GOOD TIMES*GOODNITE!
To see more exciting Watson Family BBQ pics click here;