The second half of our vacation we planned to visit St. George. It was HOT! St. George in June for vacation doesn't really mix very well. Don't you worry.. we managed to find plenty of super fun things to do.
*We found the coolest park. If it didn't heat up so dang fast I think the children would have stayed and played all day long.There was also a preteen making balloon animals for children. The Watson children thought it was the coolest thing on earth. At least in that moment.
*Downtown Splash Pad. This place was a relief! Anything with water was a warm welcome.
*Tabernacle and Brigham Young House. I wish I took more pictures. Any pictures. I was honestly just enjoying the moment that I didn't take a darn one. Well.. at least not any worth posting. :)
*When we headed back to our car, we heard a live band playing in the park. We just had to check it out. It was really cute/fun program for the children of all ages. We sat and listened to music and watched the children explore garage instruments. I don't know if that is what they are called, but that is what I liked to call them. It kind of works.. right? Every time I turned around someone had a different instrument. It was awesome. I love how into it they got.
For some reason I thought Max would be too old to enjoy this program, but he had a blast. That or he put on a really good show for his momma. :)
Promise he wasn't trying to kill the instrument.
Oh my! This is when Barrett yelled, "Watermelon" as an animal on McDonald's Farm. The lead singer in the band was awesome and made it work. Barrett thought it was the funniest thing on earth.
Buggy with her Dad!
She eventually warmed up and went off on her own.
Lots of helpers.
Jacq was right in her element. I think she tried every last instrument and could have rocked out all day long!!
There is my boy!! WOW. Look at that white hair. I love how white Barrett and Alexander's hair gets in the summer.
Another instrument.
*Snow Canyon. I am probably the meanest mom on the planet. I like to hike and explore, and it was kind of my vacation (at least that is what I told the children), so hiking we did. In the heat of St. George we headed out to Snow Canyon to check it out. It was awesome!! So much fun! I loved it! But I am not too proud to admit defeat! It was way too hot.. and probably not one of my best ideas. I really would like to go back and explore some more. I think in different conditions these faces might consider it. Maybe. Sigh.
*I can not leave out swimming and lots of it..
The children are starting to get so inventive at the pool. On this particular day it was, "king of the pool!" Other days it was some Ninja game. Another day it was races. Another time rings. Lots of trips to the pool. Lots of fun.
The boys playing "King of the Pool"
I love how much they love it!
My little fish. She was loving all things diving.
Swimmer Bugga. She loves the water. She loves to jump right in and swim out there with the big kids. If they can do it - she can do it! After all she is seven.
I love how all the children flock to their Dad. When he hops in the water they are right there to be with him. They just love him. They love to be around him. They love to play games with him. It is so much fun to see this all play out. They are lucky children to have such an awesome Dad and I think they know it!
Now.. that was a lot of pictures. If you are still with me Thanks for going through our vacation with his. It was a nice break from our every day life. xo.
What an awesome trip/adventure! Love the views, games, everything. You and Timmers are making such amazing memories for your kids! Love it :)
You guys are such fun parents. I love how you go on such exciting adventures and making such wonderful memories for the family! The pictures, the hikes, the views are all amazing. Thanks for sharing!!
u can see the little ones pussy lips I would love to be between her legs
I'd love to Fuck the little blondie, I've been masturbating myself over her for an hour, I'd love to adopt her & take her far away from everyone, just me & her delicious sexy little body, I'd make love to her constantly, she'll be filled with cum at all times uffff!
The little blonde prob isn't a virgin
U can see her pussy
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