Sunday, July 29, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Stop my heart! I love it when these 5 children of mine are all reading. I don't care if it is comics.. picture books.. magazines.. chapter books.. I just hope to instill a love for reading. Now if I could get these pictures to happen every day.. I'd be on the right track.
Alexander and Barrett. They will spend hours with their noses in books on library day. Love Love Library day. Favorites; Garfield, Calvin and Hobbs, Captain Underpants, Origami Yoga, Big Nate.
Jacq loves to read. Reading came very easy for Jacq (as do most things). Her favorite books are fun picture type books, Junie B. Jones, Rainbow Fairies.
Lola. She loves to be apart of big kid stuff. She will look through the pictures of books for hours. She makes up her very own stories to go with the pictures. She loves all things Dora, Princess, Piggies and Stinky face.
Love a couch filled with big smiles, happy children and lots and lots of books.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Rumbis and Rollerskating

Between the scooters, skates, ice cream, and bounce houses everyone found something they enjoyed. It was a super fun night for everyone.
Monday, July 9, 2012
My Dad is graet! My mom is NOT!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Swimming love
We spent pretty much the entire summer swimming at Aunt Lyss and Uncle Jon's pool. It was good times for sure. The children are have always loved the water so we took just about every opportunity we had to get there and swim our little hearts out. Thanks Conleys.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Lola Girl!
This girl.. She is one busy lady.. If there is one thing my Lola girl loves.. it is swimming.. And her array of swim suits..
Every time I see her she is in a different one..
This is just her. This is how this lady rolls..
Her life is complete with swim suits and dancing.
This is a signature move. Definitely a favorite. (pause)
Oh and this one.. Big time Favorite. (pause)
Now we are accessorizing.
Every once in awhile.. she will show up with a funky one.. Ha! FUNKY!
I took all these today. When I say she is busy.. I mean busy.. Little. Lady.
I think this is a favorite.. umm yes.. 2 sizes too big and a mermaid. Heck yesser!!
The end.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
The real deal.. 4th of July.
Boy am I ever grateful to live in America. I just love the 4th of July Holiday. I love July weather. I love a backyard BBQ. I love just love a reason to party. I also love how you can't just celebrate a holiday for one day in Utah. Oh Yeah!! Here is the real deal day. The evening of the real deal day, we got together with some of our favorite people {Watsons, Johnsons, Goodwins, Conleys, and us}. We decided to not fight the crowds in the canyons but to do a backyard thing. Everyone chipped in and it all came together perfectly.
This thing is always a super big hit. Don't mind my daughter hanging off the edge. I just pray she makes it to age 5. Age 5 would be good. ..
Here are some big people. Alyssa, Jon, and Jaxson.
Brooke and JD
Ross, Jen and Harper.
It's ME! Yes I was there. Here's the proof! Maybe not the best picture.. but it's the only one.
And Timmers. He is always a happy guy. Seriously.. always.. but especially when he has one of his attachments. That's love! No pictures of Watsons. Boo! My bad!! Sorry Watsons.. but we were still super glad you came!!
Now on to the children..
Harper. Oh my.. how my Lola loved baby Harper..loved loved loved her.
Jaxon. Look at him. He is such a little stud muffin. Seriously.. such a cool little dude!
Cole guy! He is a big deal at this house. Lola loves her some Cole guy! And they are pretty dang cute together. Makes my heart smile. Love to see them love their cousins!
Buggy.. My fearless little lady... seriously fearless..
1-800-I-love-auntie. Oh yeah!!
Taylor Jade loving her some yummy BBQ.
Oh these two again..
I can see it.. it's about to happen.. the whole we can't go anywhere ... do anything without wrestling deal.. that's them. I guess I am grateful that they have each other to mess around with.
Max with the best toy in town. Oh yeah. I think the children have put just as many miles on this baby as they have their bikes..
Brooke and JD saved the day. I forgot how much my children like to light off fireworks. That is a must for the 4th of July and I totally dropped the ball -
Seriously. Love them. Even though they can't sit still to save their life-
There's my Gracer Goose. She liked getting in on the action too.
Max enjoyed everyone's fireworks right from the comfort of his very own scooter.
Sparklers. I love Sparkler time.
Party!! Happy Birthday America!!