This girl and her dog are way too much fun to watch. I just sat back and watched their play unravel. This is some serious picture overload. I just kept clicking away.They played "follow the Jacqualynn" . . . until little Missy got bored with that. . . .
. . . And she realized the power she had behind the sprinkler guns. That's my girl!
And so the fun began. . . Jacq in one corner. . . Walle in the other. . .Seriously???!! Yes Seriously!
"Come here Walle boy!!" She is so innocent. . .how could "Jacq's best friend" Not come. :)
"Oh. . . Oh. . .Oh . . . Got me!!"
"But . . . I think I like this game!!
"I think I like it a lot!!"
This girl is a crack up!!
I like her. . .I like her a lot!!
Sorry about the bumpy video(ing), Little Miss thing thought it was her turn for attention. :) Sometimes she thinks it is all about her. Love her. :)
The big guy himself. Max did so awesome on his very first recital!!!These guys just can't be left out of anything. . . I don't know what is up with the goofy/crazy face. It's their new thing. Whatever to age five and getting cute pics. :)
And of course little Miss thing herself. . .